Access Quality Streaming with Our VPN and Smart DNS Service!
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1 个月
$5.95 pm
3 个月
$5.32 pm
Total: $15.89
Save 11%
6 个月
$4.66 pm
Total: $27.85
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1 年
$3.74 pm
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$2.58 pm
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Discover the freedom of secure, high-speed streaming with our VPN and enjoy the flexibility of Smart DNS to enhance your online experience. Choose the plan that suits your needs and enjoy seamless access to content worldwide!
Get started with a 3 days free trial.
Cancel anytime during your trial - no charges if you cancel before trial ends.
Getflix VPN 是否包含在免费试用中?
Getflix VPN 包含在所有付费帐户中。此时,它无法作为 14 天免费试用的一部分提供。
What happens after the 3 days free trial?
If you don't unsubscribed before the end of the 3 days free trial, your account will be credit. Don't worry, we will email you before this happens.
We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal and JCB through our secure payment gateway.
是的,您拥有两个或更多帐户的所有附加帐户均享受 25% 的折扣。请联系支持部门以应用此折扣。